Wednesday 18 January 2012

Data Meathods- Quantitative and Qualitative

When you collect data, you will use two methods of collecting it. The first method would be Qualitative data, and the other is Quantitative data.
  • Quantitative data is when you ask questions that only require a one word answer or a option to tick a given answer in a box. The advantages of this would be that it is easier to generalise and it is usually quick. Although this is more efficient, the answers may not be accurate to the actual opinion of the audience.  Quantitative data is more of a fact based answer in which there are minimal answers available.

    Qualitative data is when you ask questions that require more of an elaborate answer to what was asked. Getting this type of data is hard to generalise but can give a more honest and informative answer.  Qualitative data is used for a more opinion based answer, or something that is specific to that person.

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