Monday 27 February 2012

Analysis of news letters

Analysis of news letters

This newsletter gives very good effect first of just by the use of colors and the layout of the letter. The colors are bright and eye catching to start and look very professional and contrast with the pictures well. Also this newsletter includes pictures of the school, the picture shows the school in a positive light to inform people what the school is like by having a picture with people who represent that school after recieving some kind of achivement.
The text on the newsletter is very formal, there are many reasons for this being that the person who written this newsletter does may not know the audience its presented to personally so formal language is necessary. Also the school newsletter needs to make the school look professional and knowledgable in what they are talking about and informal language would not be appropiate. This newsletter is mainly all text, this is to inform the reader in detail what they are trying to explain.

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