Monday 27 February 2012

Related Magazine Analysis

This Computer music magazine links in perfect to the type of magazine i would like to create. The genre used in this magazine is electro/house music and attracts the attention of the younger generation who like this genre of music. Therefore this magazine is very similar to the magzine i will be creating. This the front cover of this magazine. They use very bright eye catching colours and big bold writing. This effect draws the attention of the audience to the magazine. The text used is specialized jargon which links to the audience of that specific genre of music. The house style is kept the same on the front cover with black and white writing on a orange background. The house style is not kept the same throughout all the different magazines, all different colours are used for different genres of music. The Headline of the magazine is very eye catching as it consists of big, bold text. This is informing the audience what this magazine is about whilst getting backed up by the tagline which is giving more information about the magazine. The barcode is situated at the bottom right of the magazine which is out the way but still visible.

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