Monday 27 February 2012

Music genre

I will be making my magazine on the electronic/house music. This is mainly because this is the type of genre of music i like so it will assist me in making my magazine and make it more enjoyable. The music is mainly made or assisted by modern technology using beats, singing, sounds and instruments. An example of one of these instuments would be MIDI. The magazine will not be very formal as there isnt a need for it to be as people will understand the text used as this magazine is just aimed at people who are intrested in this genre of music and the younger generation. The house style used will be very eye catching and look very modern, this will link together with the genres of music this magazine will be about. To make the magazine stand out to people I will be using and promoting big names within this genre, for example big DJ`s like David Guetta. He is the best rated DJ in the world at the moment according to Having top DJ`s will make the magazine more appealing to the audience.

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