Wednesday 2 May 2012

Use of Photoshop

These images shows the use of photoshop in my magazine and the effects i have used to make my final front cover of my magazine.

Moral panic

Moral panic is when a condition, episode, person or group of people is portrayed as a threat to society values and interests. Moral panic is also when the media will show something controversial to try to change rules or to outline problems within the world.  It is acknowledged that adults will see the side of it where they would want the rules to be changed so that it wouldn't happen again. Whereas teenagers would see a controversial storyline as a interesting article.

Contents page

This is a image of my compleated contents page for my final magazine.

Double page spread

This is a picture of my compleated double page spread for my final magazine.

Friday 27 April 2012

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Luke`s Charity Hair Cut

This poster is for a Charity Hair Cut, This is the stage I am up to now after editing the Picture of the student. I used Quick Wand Selection Tool, Red Eye tool and spot healing brush tool.

Friday 9 March 2012

Front cover

This is where I am up to with creating my magazine, I still need to add the picture on the front cover from my photo shoot.

Friday 2 March 2012

Props and costume examples

Here is a picture of a group of disk jockies called the sweedish house mafia. The music genre of these dj`s link to my magazine.
The costumes in this picture shows smart casual clothes, shirts, jeans, jackets. These are the type of costumes I will be using when I am doing the photoshoot for my magazine.
The props I will be using in the photos will be linked to my chosen genre of music, the props that will be used will be dj equipment and lighting. I will be using dj decks, headphones, speakers, amps, mixers, and strobe lighting. I will get some good shots of these props in my photos.

This picture is a good example of the props I will be using in the photo shoot, it gives good examples of lighting and the dj equipment used. Also it’s a good example of costumes and how they are dressed casually.

This is another example of the props that I will be using.  Here is a picture of DJ Tiesto and the props and costumes used in this image. This links in to how my magazine will look after the photo shoot.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Mood board

This is my mood board. This represents how my magazine will look. The colors used in the mood board show the contrast between light colors and dark colors.This represents the scene of a night club which is very dark and has strong bright lights.The fonts used in the pictures are very bold and bright text, this emphasizes the text.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Article Analysis (Unfinished)


We are pleased to announce Pete Tong and Alesso are the latest acts to be added to the ever growing line up for the Swedish House Mafia’s ‘One Night Stand’ show at Milton Keynes Bowl on 14th July 2012.

These two new additions follow last week’s announcement of Calvin Harris and pop/house producer Madeon who also joined the bill for the gargantuan 9 hour long event that’s tipped to be the dance event of the summer.

As the UK’s best loved DJ and host of BBC Radio 1’s groundbreaking Essential Selection show Pete Tong’s legacy in electronic music history is legendary.   He is the master of merging the underground with the mainstream and responsible for breaking some of the biggest tracks over the last 20 years.  When Pete speaks people listen, and with millions tuning into ‘something for the weekend’ this makes Pete the voice of the dance music generation.   Another artiste to break through over the last couple of years is Sebastian Ingrosso’s protégé Alesso.   At only 19 years old and with massive productions including ‘Calling’ and 'Raise Your Head' already under his belt, his fanbase continues to grow receiving accolades from the likes of Tiësto, Avici and Sander van Doorn.   2012 is set to be Alesso’s year. 

Monday 27 February 2012

Music genre

I will be making my magazine on the electronic/house music. This is mainly because this is the type of genre of music i like so it will assist me in making my magazine and make it more enjoyable. The music is mainly made or assisted by modern technology using beats, singing, sounds and instruments. An example of one of these instuments would be MIDI. The magazine will not be very formal as there isnt a need for it to be as people will understand the text used as this magazine is just aimed at people who are intrested in this genre of music and the younger generation. The house style used will be very eye catching and look very modern, this will link together with the genres of music this magazine will be about. To make the magazine stand out to people I will be using and promoting big names within this genre, for example big DJ`s like David Guetta. He is the best rated DJ in the world at the moment according to Having top DJ`s will make the magazine more appealing to the audience.

Related Magazine Analysis

This Computer music magazine links in perfect to the type of magazine i would like to create. The genre used in this magazine is electro/house music and attracts the attention of the younger generation who like this genre of music. Therefore this magazine is very similar to the magzine i will be creating. This the front cover of this magazine. They use very bright eye catching colours and big bold writing. This effect draws the attention of the audience to the magazine. The text used is specialized jargon which links to the audience of that specific genre of music. The house style is kept the same on the front cover with black and white writing on a orange background. The house style is not kept the same throughout all the different magazines, all different colours are used for different genres of music. The Headline of the magazine is very eye catching as it consists of big, bold text. This is informing the audience what this magazine is about whilst getting backed up by the tagline which is giving more information about the magazine. The barcode is situated at the bottom right of the magazine which is out the way but still visible.

Analysis of news letters

Analysis of news letters

This newsletter gives very good effect first of just by the use of colors and the layout of the letter. The colors are bright and eye catching to start and look very professional and contrast with the pictures well. Also this newsletter includes pictures of the school, the picture shows the school in a positive light to inform people what the school is like by having a picture with people who represent that school after recieving some kind of achivement.
The text on the newsletter is very formal, there are many reasons for this being that the person who written this newsletter does may not know the audience its presented to personally so formal language is necessary. Also the school newsletter needs to make the school look professional and knowledgable in what they are talking about and informal language would not be appropiate. This newsletter is mainly all text, this is to inform the reader in detail what they are trying to explain.

Preliminary Task

This is where i am at at the moment with my preliminary task on the 21/2/2012. The picture on the left is my front cover of the news letter. On the right is the flat plan of my front cover. This is a rough idea of what the flat plan is of the school news letter. 

Thursday 2 February 2012

Male gaze theory

The male gaze theory was first introduced by Laura Muvley. This theory implies that cinema audiences look at  films in two different ways. One way being voyeuristically and another being fetishistically. According to Mulvey, this is a patriarchal society.  This means that it recognizes the male gender and the sexuality of men as the dominant norm. The media offers a system of representation based on the male pleasure of ‘looking’ – an erotic realm using the language and images of the patriarchal culture. It satisfies and reinforces the masculine ego and represses the desires of women.
Here are some examples of male gaze theory:

This picture below is a good example of male gaze theory because they use the character Megan fox in this film as more of an object and the character is seen as eye candy.
Transformers, Megan Fox

Mission impossible: 
This is arguably another example of male gaze theory because of the way this character is portrayed in some scenes. This character is not portrayed as an object like Megan fox is in Transformers as she has a role in the film that effects the plot.

School newsletter

Front cover of Deyes high school news letter

This picture to the right is the front cover of the Deyes News letter. as you can see from the letter it has many differnt assioiations with the school, example of this would be pictures of students around the school taking part in different activities. Pictures colours and text are used on this front page.

Double page spread

This is where they can share information in more detail about upcoming events and the latest information from Deyes High School. Formal writing is used in this news letter. This is so students as young as year 7 can understand the newsletter. Also formal writing is more appropriate as the head teacher who writes up these newsletters doesn't really have much contact or relationship with the audience of this newsletter. The colours and house style of this news letter represents the school and is the same each time a news letter is released. The colours that are represented with the school are red, blue and white. These are the colours used in this newsletter.

Rule of thirds

Rule of thirds is a guideline which applies when composing paintings, photographs and designs. The guideline proposes that the frame of an image is split in to segments. 3 horizontal segments and 3 vertical segments. These segments are equally split. It is proposed that the object that the picture is being taken of should not be positioned in the centre of the segments but positioned in any of the other segments of the grid. This makes the picture look more natural and appealing to the viewer. This picture below is a good example:

Friday 27 January 2012

Ideology in media studies

Ideology in Media Studies

Idelogy is basically the ideas behind the media text, the secret ideas that arent shown from its producers but represented through text. Ideolgy can be very importand within magazines as it gives a paramatic approach to that magazine. an example of this would be the film "Dances with the wolves" represents sertain idelogies of Native american history. Ideology is a body of ideas or set of beliefs that underpins a process or institution and leads to social relations.

Ideology is shown in many differnt ways in school magazines, an example of this would be the front cover and how its portrayed to in a positive way with pictures and colours. (UNFINISHED)

Wednesday 25 January 2012


I have made a small questionaire for people to share there views with me about music magazines. To partisipate in this questionaire please follow this link here.

Tuesday 24 January 2012


Semiotics is the Study of Signs. A Sign is something that stands for something other than itself, semiotics is the study of these signs and there interpretation. For example, the colour red could signify Anger or danger. This picture on the right represents how the thought process of signs work. This was Charles Sander Pierce's theory. Another theorist in semiotics is a man called Ferdinand De Saussure. he believed that signs do not in fact represent reality but they do construct it. He believed that signs are purely psychological. 

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Data Meathods- Quantitative and Qualitative

When you collect data, you will use two methods of collecting it. The first method would be Qualitative data, and the other is Quantitative data.
  • Quantitative data is when you ask questions that only require a one word answer or a option to tick a given answer in a box. The advantages of this would be that it is easier to generalise and it is usually quick. Although this is more efficient, the answers may not be accurate to the actual opinion of the audience.  Quantitative data is more of a fact based answer in which there are minimal answers available.

    Qualitative data is when you ask questions that require more of an elaborate answer to what was asked. Getting this type of data is hard to generalise but can give a more honest and informative answer.  Qualitative data is used for a more opinion based answer, or something that is specific to that person.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Introduction Post

Hello my name is Ryan Evans. I have made a Blog account to keep track of all my Media As work I will be doing between now and April 2012.
My Preliminary Task is to make a front cover and a contents page for a school magazine. 
My Main task is to produce a music magazine including:

  • A Front page 
  • A Content Page  
  • A Double page spread.

I will also be adding any drafts and research planning when creating this magazine.